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Illustration Gudy Steinmill-Hommel

The Viper stunned Americans by showing that Dodge, whose cars were all front-wheel drive (and mostly powered by four-cylinder engines), could make a raw, brutal, V-10-powered car that could run with the best. Team Viper went a step further at Le Mans, proving that an American car could handle turns, too &; so well that it won its class, repeatedly, at a fraction of the cost of the cars it beat. Dodge Viper covers the transition from a concept to a rough and brutal rocket to a world-class supercar, and includes every generation. The story also tells of the rough times when the entire Viper business could have been sold to the highest bidder, and considers alternative paths the 2013-17 Viper might have taken. weiterlesen »

Illustration Gudy Steinmill-Hommel

Author Richard Heseltine untangles the Ghia Jaguar XK 120 Supersonic&;s complicated backstory of British design brilliance and Italian design artistry. He reveals how Ghia wowed the car world with its jet-age styling, and introduces several fascinating characters whose names have peppered the post-war story of Italian car design, engineering and racing. Readers will discover how the original Supersonic was the work of Giovanni Sovanuzzi &; the genius designer-engineer famous for the Cisitalia 202. Meanwhile, race team legend Virgilio Conrero was first to put fire in the Supersonic&;s belly, while fiery Ghia chief Luigi Segre used the car to woo North America.
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Illustration Gudy Steinmill-Hommel

Links theory and practice for investment professionals and portfolio managers, demonstrating why some portfolios consistently perform better than others

Investing well, like any other business, depends on competitive advantage. Some portfolios reliably generate greater returns than others because they simply are better positioned to benefit from strengths and avoid weaknesses. Building and using competitive advantage becomes central to the daily work of the best mutual funds, hedge funds, banks, insurers and virtually every other type of portfolio. But competitive advantage commonly is overlooked in most written work for investment professionals. The literature often varies between abstract formal treatments and pragmatic workbooks with little in between. Competitive Advantage in Investing fills the gap by integrating modern portfolio theory with actual practice in one comprehensive volume. weiterlesen »

Illustration Gudy Steinmill-Hommel

„Tech-Aktien steigen immer!“ „Immobilienpreise fallen nie!“ Stimmt das wirklich?
Ob wahr oder nicht, solche Narrative, oder einfacher gesagt Geschichten, beeinflussen das Verhalten von Menschen und somit auch die Wirtschaft massiv.
Wie entstehen Narrative? Wie gehen sie viral, wie gewinnen sie an Einfluss, wann verlieren sie diesen wieder? Welche Auswirkungen haben sie? Und, last, but not least: Wie lassen sich mit ihnen ökonomische Zusammenhänge und Entwicklungen besser verstehen und vorhersagen? Diese Fragen untersucht Wirtschafts-Nobelpreisträger Robert J. Shiller in seinem vielleicht wichtigsten Buch. Das Buch ist Plassen Verlag erschienen – auch über Amazon zu bestellen.

Revised and updated.The influence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on accounting across the world is stronger than ever. Most importantly, this stems from the mandatory adoption of IFRSs in many parts of the world, including Europe, Canada, Australia, Brazil and, with some relatively small exceptions, China. Additionally, foreign registrants in the US are also permitted to use IFRS by the SEC.
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Simone de Beauvoir war eine der einflussreichsten Intellektuellen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Ihr Buch »Das andere Geschlecht« hat die Art und Weise, wie wir über Geschlechtergrenzen denken, für immer verändert. Dennoch wurde ihr Leben weitgehend falsch dargestellt und zutiefst missverstanden. Kate Kirkpatrick greift auf bisher unveröffentlichte Tagebücher und Briefe zurück, und gibt einen spannenden Einblick in Beauvoirs Beziehungen, ihre Philosophie der Freiheit und der Liebe und ihr Ringen darum, sie selbst werden zu dürfen. Das Buch ist im Piper-Verlag erschienen, 25,– Euro – auch über Amazon zu bestellen.

As the power and sophistication of of ‘big data’ and predictive analytics has continued to expand, so too has policy and public concern about the use of algorithms in contemporary life. This is hardly surprising given our increasing reliance on algorithms in daily life, touching policy sectors from healthcare, transport, finance, consumer retail, manufacturing education, and employment through to public service provision and the operation of the criminal justice system. This has prompted concerns about the need and importance of holding algorithmic power to account, yet it is far from clear that existing legal and other oversight mechanisms are up to the task. weiterlesen »

Although the economy has always been changing, ever more innovations now seem to accelerate the transformation process. Are there any laws governing the incessant global change? Does it accord with our intentions and desires and make us happier? Do our institutions and our democracies cope with the challenges? How does economic theory explain what is going on? weiterlesen »

The past 30 years are often depicted as an era of globalisation, and even more so with the recent rise of global giants such as Google and Amazon. This updated and revised edition of The Handbook of Globalisation offers novel insights into the rapid changes our world is facing, and how best we can handle them. With multi-disciplinary contributions from leading experts, this Handbook covers a broad spectrum of issues and opportunities surrounding modern globalisation. weiterlesen »

Wie lassen sich Weisheiten von großen Denkern und erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten im Alltagsleben wirklich dazu nutzen mehr Erfolg zu haben? Bestsellerautor Rainer Zitelmann hat in „Die Kunst des erfolgreichen Lebens“ über 200 Aphorismen und Zitate aus 2500 Jahren zusammengetragen und kommentiert – von Konfuzius und Laotse über Goethe bis zu Steve Jobs und Warren Buffett.
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