FIFA Boss Sepp Blatter regnete es Geldscheine
Der Komiker Lee Nelson hat den FIFA Boss Sepp Blatter auf einer Pressekonferenz in Zürich mit Geldscheinen beworfen und so die Pressekonferenz gecrasht. Ein kreativer Protest ohne Gewalt der alle zum Schmunzeln bringt. Alle Medien berichteten über diese gelungene Aktion von Nelson und keiner Spricht über die Inhalte der Pressekonferenz der FIFA. Das Video nach dem Break
„A protester has just gatecrashed Sepp Blatter’s news conference and thrown money at him. Fifa president Sepp Blatter was forced to halt a news conference when it was interrupted by a man who stood in front of him and addressed journalists, before throwing a pile of banknotes over his head. Mr Blatter was due to announce his plans to reform the organisation, which has been in crisis since seven of its officials were arrested in a US corruption investigation.“ (Video Beschreibung, BBC News)